Surging LNG Exports Show US is a Global Natural Gas Superpower |
Two decades ago, the accepted wisdom in the energy sector was that the US was running out of natural gas. In 2005, Lee Raymond, the …
My Geography Blog
Two decades ago, the accepted wisdom in the energy sector was that the US was running out of natural gas. In 2005, Lee Raymond, the …
Country Name Street Names Native Langauge Street Names In English Link To Source Austria HauptstraßeFeldgasseBahnhofstraße Main StreetField AlleyStation Street Source Belgium KerkstraatMolenstraatSchoolstraat Church StreetMill StreetSchool …
The map above is a bit meta and shows the origin of how to say the word map in various European countries. Red = From …
The map above shows some numbers that are used to make silly jokes in various European countries. According to Poland: A meme that is …
The map above shows which other state is mentioned most often on that state’s Wikipedia page. It comes from Crossword-Solver and you can also see the …
The map above looks at what is the most Uniquely Popular Word used on each country’s Wikipedia page. It comes from Crossword-Solver and a few …
Like many older industrial towns, Paramount, a mostly Latino city of 50,000 located 18 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles, has been through hard times. …
The map above shows the flags (well really Mon [emblem] or crests) of the major Japanese clans in 1603 at the start of the Tokugawa …
The last few days have not been good ones for California’s high speed rail project. In fact, very very few days in its entire existence …
The video above and the maps below show the densest neighbourhood in each European country based on their population in 2018. In this case neighbourhood …
The map above looks at what share of the population of each European country lives on an island. For some countries like the UK or …
The map above gives support for the death penalty by European country based on surveys and polls done between 2018 and 2021. Belarus remains the …
U.S. President Donald Trump’s imbecilic and unnecessary suggestion that Canada should become the 51st state has led some of my own family members — on …
Now one big question I have about the index is how it is calculated. And this how the Economist Intelligence Unit explains it from their …
The map above is a humorous look at how the ancient Chinese viewed the rest of the world. Obviously, you first have the Chinese Emperor …
What I’ve been reading: Saving the Protestant Ethic: Creative Class Evangelicalism and the Crisis of Work by Andrew Lynn. For those of you in the …
At a time when the world press is obsessed with US president Donald Trump and his often imbecilic machinations, perhaps a more consequential struggle is …
During its run, I absolutely loved the HBO series The Wire. It was a fascinating show that provided deep insight into the institutional corrosion that …
When affirmative action, the predecessor of DEI, was first implemented in the early 1970s, the goal was to address cruel centuries of oppression of African …
Is that a forest? Like mountains, there isn’t an exact definition of what forests are. Different organizations and countries use varying criteria to define a …